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"Tomioka Hachimangu" is known as the place where the first "sumo" tournament in Edo was performed.

Tomioka Hachimangu Shinto Shrine, commonly known as "Fukagawa Hachimangu" was venerated as the largest "Hachiman" shrine in Edo, present Tokyo. Hachimangu means the guardian god of Buddhist saints, "Fukagawa Matsuri" festival promoted by this shrine is one of the top three festivals in Tokyo, together with "Kanda Matsuri" and "Sanno Matsuri". Being established in 1627, not that long time ago though, this shrine was highly venerated under the protection of the Tokugawa Shogun family, and the annexed Japanese garden attracted the masses in Edo. This also was one of the the busiest sightseeing spots there. In1807, in fact, during Fukagawa Matsuri, Eitai-bashi bridge spanning the Sumida between the heart of Edo and this shrine collapsed due to the weight of the many sightseers crossing the bridge. This tragedy involved over 1,400 victims. Speaking of the dark past of this shrine, in addition, a murder case in 2017 is unforgettable. The then head priest of this shrine was killed with "katana" sword by her predecessor and his wife. The predecessor was her younger brother, and he killed himself after killing his conspirator just before being arrested. It is said that the argument about the vast assets of the shrine triggered this case. Lastly, the first sumo tournament in Edo was held in this shrine grounds in 1684, and newly appointed "Yokozuna" grand champions of sumo are to perform "dohyoiri" ritual in front of the monument as shown in the second picture.

Licensed tour guide, travel consultant,

Masahisa Takaki.

全国通訳案内士 高木聖久。


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