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The construction work of the Linear Chuo Shinkansen Line connecting Tokyo and Osaka is under way.

The Tokaido Shinkansen, the world's first high-speed railroad, started commercial operation in 1964, traveling 550km between Tokyo and Osaka in three hours at a maximum speed of 200km/h. Although the Shinkansen is still being extended throughout Japan, the Tokyo-Osaka line is the main artery of the Japanese economy, with a 16-car train departing every 7 minutes from Tokyo Station for Osaka and vice versa. Thus, there is no room for more trains between Tokyo and Osaka. Against this backdrop, a decision was made in 2011 to build a new high-speed rail system using superconducting magnetic levitation linear motor drives. This innovative railroad will run from Tokyo through the mountainous areas of the Chubu region to Osaka via Nagoya. It is scheduled for completion in 2037 connecting Tokyo and Osaka in 67 minutes at a maximum speed of 505km/h. In parallel with this construction, running tests are continuing on a portion of the 42km of the track completed in advance.

From the observation center set up next to this experimental line, visitors can observe the actual operation of the trains to be used in the near future, as shown in the first photo. The second photo shows the passenger compartment of a full-size model on display in this observation center.

Licensed tour guide, gravel consultant,

Masahisa Takaki.

全国通訳案内士 高木聖久。


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