Mt. Hakkoda, 1,585 meters high, is the second highest mountain in Aomori Prefecture after Mt. Iwaki. It is widely known in Japan that in the winter of 1902, 199 out of 210 soldiers training on this mountain were stranded in heavy snowfall and died from the cold. The name of Mt. Hakkoda necessarily reminds us of the tragic incident though, this mountain actually features the unique scenery formed by highland wetlands spreading over the several volcanoes. The sightseers can enjoy the riding of an aerial tramway to the mountaintop to see the out-of-the-way alpine plants while walking on the nature trails there. Mt. Hakkoda has become a hiking trail before we knew it. Even in winter in the thick snow accumulation, a cluster of frost-covered trees shining in the morning sunlight can be appreciated. Being located in the center of Aomori Prefecture, this mountain divides this province in two, east and west. This geographical condition brings cold-weather damage, caused by the frequent dense fog, to the east in summer, and very heavy snowfall to the west in winter.
Licensed tour guide, travel consultant,
Masahisa Takaki.
全国通訳案内士 高木聖久。
